
Spotter Nightcrawler
Gespottet in Baden-Baden, Germany
Datum 2023-12-11 10:14


Camera model iPhone 13 Pro Max
Aperture f/1.5
Shutterspeed 1/50 sec.
Focal length 5.7 mm

Auto details

Höchstgeschwindigkeit 250 km/h
Beschleunigung 0-100 km/h 5.20 s
Ps 612 hp
Drehmoment 1000 Nm @ 4000 rpm
Gewicht 2855 kg

Kommentare für diesen spot

  1. Profile pic
    SPAIN Raúl Salinas  -  um 12:01

    The real Maybach! Insane!

  2. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  um 20:24

    Very cool! ?

  3. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA clayspots  -  um 17:40

    And it still sticks out! AHAH

  4. Profile pic
    GERMANY Nightcrawler  -  um 01:13

    @clayspots ?

  5. Das ist nicht ok

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