Photoshoot mit vier BMW M-Modellen

Photoshoot mit vier BMW M-Modellen

In den letzten Jahren hat die BMW M-Gmbh  einige erstaunliche Autos gebaut. Für ein Photoshooting hat Benjamin vier der M Modelle versammelt. Ein älteres M3 Coupé so wie die aktuellen M5, M6 und M4.

Das shooting fand am 25. Oktober statt. Die Bilder wurden an verschiedenen Orten aufgenommen, in McLean, Virginia wurde auf einem Parkhaus Photographie. Danach wurde die Location gewechselt, es ging nach Washington D.C..  Der 25. Oktober wurde ausgewählt da das Laub der Bäume einen sehr schönen Kontrast zu den Autos Bildet. Die Fahrzeuge sehen absolut perfekt aus in dieser Umgebung. Der BMW M5 und M6 sind mit besonderen HRE Performance felgen ausgestattet die das Aussehen  abrunden. Vielen Dank an Benjamin für das Photoshooting.

Photoshoot with four BMW M-cars
Photoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-carsPhotoshoot with four BMW M-cars

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