
Spotter Hook
Gespottet in Düsseldorf, Germany
Datum 2024-08-06 22:13


Camera model iPhone 13
Aperture f/1.6
Shutterspeed 1/412 sec.
Focal length 5.1 mm

Auto details

Höchstgeschwindigkeit 320 KM/H
Beschleunigung 0-100 KM/H 3.70 s
Ps 591 HP
Drehmoment 650 Nm @ 4750 RPM
Gewicht 1935 kg

Kommentare für diesen spot

  1. Profile pic
    POLAND P0Pro100u  -  um 22:42

    What a crazy spec!

  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  um 22:43

    Insane car and spec! Extra cool as a GT!

  3. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Beamen  -  um 20:39

    Cool spot even if I'm not sure to like the wrap effect on it.

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  um 22:10

    Must agree with you. I like it, but what makes it a bit strange is the red in the grill. I would have left that part black. @Beamen

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  um 22:10

    Thanks @Dalzzz
    I am going to visit Italy again this year

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  um 22:11

    Cool or not? @P0Pro100u

  7. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  um 23:08

    @Hook awesome! Good luck with your spotting! Where are you going?

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  um 23:42

    Florence (start) stay in that area for a week and the second week I will decide there. But wanna see the Ferrari factory, so Maranello for sure. Love the vibe in Italy! @Dalzzz

  9. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  um 01:04

    @Hook glad to hear that! It’s a great country for tourists to visit

  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  um 20:25

    Absolutely! People are very friendly and really enjoy it over there. @Dalzzz

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS JeffreydeRuiter  -  um 10:25

    Vet spotje!

  12. Das ist nicht ok

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